If this is what you're looking for, my shortened CV is here.

You can find the selection of my projects below.

I am an artist & researcher born and raised in Poland, currently based in Barcelona. At the intersection of art, sound, technology, software, and politics, my work explores the transformative impact of new technologies on the human psyche, focusing on the notion of the (cyber) sublime — an aesthetic of digital awe and wonder. Interested in the evolving relationship with technology, I craft speculative narratives that take shape as sound works, generative systems, installations, and performances. In the research, I am pursuing my PhD at the Music Technology Group, examining the intricacies of AI's architectural design. I also co-run undoing, a narrative sound design studio specializing in commissioned projects that weave together commerce, art, and science through holistic soundscapes and sonic narratives.


  • Work at Ars Electronica 2024: Hope

    I am showing new work The Latent Force of Living Forms, at Ars Electronica 2024: Hope. The work will be on display during the festival, between 04th and 08th of September.

    Published on Sep 01, 2024
  • Launching UNDOING, a sound design lab

    Together with Daphne Xanthopoulou, we are launching a sound design studio called undoing. We are excited to work on projects that involve sound design, music composition, and audio programming. We are also interested in collaborating with artists, filmmakers, and game developers. If you have a project in mind, feel free to reach out to us.

    Published on Aug 09, 2024
  • Show at +RAIN Festival

    On 11th of June I will be performing Seven Manifolds in Sala Aranyó at UPF. The show is part of +RAIN festival on AI and time-based media.

    Published on Jun 01, 2024
  • Participation in AMRO festival in Linz

    Between 8 and 11th of May I will be participating AMRO24 in Linz. I will be presenting a new live show seven manifolds. I will also give a workshop on network bending. Come say hi if you are around!

    Published on Jun 01, 2024
  • New commisioned work on display in Seoul

    “The New Times Atlas of The World”, a new piece commissioned by Agustina Woodgate, eroding the semantic meaning of of concepts in the latent space, is now on display until 22nd November at The Seoul Mediacity Biennale in South Korea.

    Published on Sep 22, 2023
  • Ybalferran - 'Karadi' is out now through Hurt by the Sun

    Stoked to announce that ‘Karadi’ is finally out through my own Hurt by the Sun.

    Published on Feb 24, 2023
  • Starting a blog

    I have started a blog Softmax Logic where I will be sharing my thoguhts from the intersection of technology, theory, and art. To inaugarate it, I explain the motivation behind my interest in the AI models’ latent spaces, in the “Diagonal cut across the softmax logic”, the first entry on the blog.

    Published on Mar 10, 2022