Animation: The Latent Force of Living Forms
Ars Electronica: Hope, Linz, 2024 -
Installation: The New Times Atlas Of The World
Seoul Mediacity Biennale, Seoul, 2023 -
Sound Design: Whole Earth Codec
Antikythera, Los Angeles / London, 2023 -
Sound Design: Not I
University Of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023 -
Live Performance: Seven Manifolds
Multiple Locations, 2024-ongoing -
Hurt By The Sun, Linz, 2023 -
Soundtrack: The Beauty Of Becoming
Linz - Bogota, 2022 - 2023 -
Series: Latent Space Divination
Various Locations, 2021 - 2023 -
Speculative Technology: O-CHAIN
A.I.ECOSYSTEMS_ Hackathon, Ars Electronica, Linz, 2021 -
Raumschiff, Linz, 2020-2021 -
Audio. Visuals. Atmosphere., Antwerp, 2021 -
Installation: Remote Landscapes
Can Sisteré, Barcelona, 2021 -
Trust Collective, United States, 2020 -
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2020 -
Ritual: Whale Moon
Vibraera, Barcelona, 2020 -
Album: Ybalferran - Our Last Days
Vaaknar, Berlin, 2020 -
Installation: Useless And Necessary
Mixtur, Barcelona, 2019 -
Album: Nine Mountains - Mountain I
Self-publishing, Barcelona, 2019 -
Installation: Balaenofon
Vibraera, Barcelona, 2019 -
Hackathon: Typhoon Dream / Sound Oasis
Urban Sound Symposium, Gent, 2019 -
Music: YOY
Poznań, Berlin, Barcelona, 2016-2021
In collaboration with, Blaukind, Lucia Călin Gold and Majella Clarke

O-chain, explores the connection between crypto commodification of ocean behaviours and the cognitive artificial intelligence technologies that can potentially create an autonomous ocean that takes decisions optimizing the collective interests for the global human collective alongside the living, breathing ocean. Within the cognitive system, an experimental new economy is established that provides a source of prosperity for all who respect the ocean’s decision autonomy and rules. Cognitive artificial intelligence is constantly improving its decision making capabilities in a dynamic environment – could humankind respect such a system? Or will it destroy the autonomy of the ocean for quick economic gain and territorial power? How would a cognitive ocean respond?
Driven by the Ars Electronica A.I Ecosystem Hackathon, the Team strives to present a prototype of a cognitive aquatic space that acquires knowledge to self-heal though sensors and sound.The Solution presented is inspired by the Terra0 self owned forest, and uses the terra0 whitepaper as a framework.
An 11-page long disseration debating both ethical and technological foundations of the proposed solution.
Media Installation
An interactive, gamified experience communicating the conceptional foundations behind the o-chain.